A New Juice Tool for You: Buyer's Guide to Analytics Solutions

At Juice, we like to create useful tools for our readers. Here favorites seem to come out every two to three years:

The data and analytics space is a confusing place, densely populated with dozens and dozens of vendors, each one claiming they alone can solve your problems. But who’s really offering the right tool for your situation?

Big Data Landscape, Matt Turck 2016

Big Data Landscape, Matt Turck 2016

Our Buyer’s Guide is designed for technology decision-makers who are trying to make the most of their data. Whether you are looking to analyze large data sets, map location data, or build visualization tools for your customers, we’ve done the dirty work of scanning the landscape and categorizing what we found. We’ve categorized the more than 100 analytics solutions into 19 categories of tools.

We start The Buyer's Guide with a question about your end-user.

We start The Buyer's Guide with a question about your end-user.

The Guide is a decision tree where you answer questions about your needs, and each answer leads you down a path toward the right type of analytics solution. Think of it as a "Choose your Own Adventure" book where your happy ending is the best tool for the job. For each category of analytics tool, we’ve tried to compile a comprehensive list of providers. 

After navigating the choices available to you, you will have the option to submit your results. If you’d rather keep your results private, no problem. For those who submit their results and email, we’ll send you our three most popular white papers and include you in our monthly newsletter. 

If you find that we’ve missed analytics vendors that you are familiar with, send us a note at info@juiceanalytics with the subject line "Buyer’s Guide".