The Cost of Status Quo

Three years ago when traveling in another city, you most likely called a cab and waited for it to show up. Today, you use the Uber app, request a driver, and watch it on the map until it arrives.  No more ride refusals, broken credit card machines, or mysteriously long waits.   The taxi system relied on the status quo for too long and now Uber is making them pay for it.  

Think about the information you deliver to customers. When was the last time it changed? Have you and your reports fallen prey to the status quo?   

Doing nothing is always an option, but it’s never a no-risk proposition.  At some point in time, the status quo becomes more risky. When it comes to displaying information for customers, here are some thoughts on identifying whether the status quo has become too risky and it’s time to make some changes.

User logins are on the decline.

Users are using the information you provide less and less. Perhaps they’re using another source or not using anything anymore. When customers no longer need what you provide, you’re no different than a taxi in 2015.

Reporting comes up during contract renewals.

hen a customer explicitly brings up reporting as a reason they’re considering your competitor or wants to see report changes before they’ll renew, it gets no more obvious than this. Unless you’ve stopped listening to your sales team’s voicemails then this is a direct indication that you’ve relied on the status quo too long.  The fact you’re still using voicemail might be a clue too.  

Ad-hoc report requests are increasing

A good indicator that you’ve relied on the status quo too long is that the amount of support calls from customers for ad-hoc reports is increasing. Often, part of the financial justification for moving away from the status quo is baked into your on-going support costs.  Keep an eye on the number of tickets/requests you’re getting.  

Sales team wants to understand reporting

This is usually a big deal when the sales team takes an interest in reporting because really, why should they?  This means it’s coming up  more frequently in deal discussions, or existing customers are asking questions. Changing your sales team is more expensive than updating your reporting.

You’re pushing Excel and PowerPoint to their limits

You're using all the advanced functionality, elaborate macros, and pushing the tools to their limit and it still doesn’t satisfy customer reporting requests. When customers see the hourglass more than the data, or you have to stagger how many emails go out at a time, it’s probably time for an alternative solution.

This may sound discouraging on many fronts, but have hope. If you see yourself in any or all of these points, it means that you’re not alone and there’s a solution out there.  It’s the season of giving, and being generous with our time (and opinions) is something we love doing. At Juice, we’ve actually done the homework on the cost associated with status quo reporting. Feel free to reach out to us or schedule a quick call. We’re happy to offer a little free advice and give you some options other than the status quo.