TrueSpace: Helping companies scale to the middle market

Problem: TrueSpace combines in-depth research, science, and a resource network to help companies effectively scale to the middle market. TrueSpace has gathered valuable data about thousands of companies to understand the necessary conditions for healthy growth.

Solution: TrueSpace was looking for a better way to present data from their proprietary assessment survey. This information is critical for members of the TrueSpace community to understand performance compared to benchmarks and the levers that can help move their business forward. Juice developed multiple interactive data stories to make this data actionable and impactful.

“What I appreciate most is the team and the two decades of thought that is evident in the product.

Juicebox itself is quite unique. It offers the ability to take a structured set of data and make the conclusions very simple to understand.”

Charles Fred — Founder and CEO, TrueSpace