Gartner Identifies the “Last Mile” of BI

Over the past few years we’ve made the point that today’s BI vendors stop short of joining data to decision makers at the point of decision and action. We like to call this problem the "last mile". As it turns out, Gartner does, too.

According to a recent article, Gartner analyst Kurt Schlegel states in the report "Overcoming the Gap Between Business Intelligence and Decision Support" that most companies still aren’t able to link BI to "the last mile" of making decisions that actually help their businesses.

Gartner joins a short list of other prominent voices (Tableau, SAS) in the BI community that have already come on board with Juice on this concept. We’re very glad to see others addressing the gap of making information really and truly useful for decision makers.

While we’re at it, that’s not the only theme that has seeped into the Gartner perspective: Gartner’s global BI manager Ian Bertram says the fundamental problem with BI isn’t about technology, it has to do with making BI work better for people. In other words, "BI isn’t a technical problem, it’s a social one"

So Gartner Folks, if you’re out there and following our blog, we’re excited to see you coming along side with us. And as long as you’re listening, here’s a few other ideas we’d love to see you consider as well: